Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Took a day trip out of the Lake area to Milan for the day. The world's fourth largest church is here (remember I mentioned St Peter's, St Paul's and Duomo Siena). There will be questions and quizzes when I return, so I hope you remember all the info I am passing on.
The Cathedral is the home to St Charles Borromeo and reflect his liturgical reforms throughout. It has 52 giant pillars in three naves, one pillar for every week of the year. The building's symbols are full of theological and spiritual meaning. The window I have attached is just one of three this size (double click to make bigger). The pillars are 6 storeys tall and the Cathedral has 300 spires and over 3000 statues, figures and characters covering it. Pictures do not do these buildings justice but I hope you get a taste of my delights. I appreciate the history and the amazing skills in making people's visions come to fruition.

The other building I found impressive was the Emannuel 11 5* shopping gallery. I never spent a cent, mainly because I could not afford to in this place. It has been covered over with this glass ceiling I have tried to capture. Once again, wow!
As I pack for Egypt I have to prepare my mind and body for a very different ancient and climate experience. I feel sorry for the camel that has to carry my bags.

This page is dedicated to architects and those who sharpen their pencils and their minds.

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