Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chilling out in in warm Tampa

These days have been filled quietly with pre-Halloween shopping and then an Air Show at Cocoa Beach next to Cape Canaveral.

Halloween is such big deal in the US and it begins the season of celebrations. I like this pic of Robin and Drew prepping their pumpkins.

After Halloween there is Veterans' Day, then there is Thanksgiving Day which celebrates the foundations of the country from the arrival of the Pilgrims. This day is the fourth Thursday in November and is an important family celebration. After this come the religious holidays of Christmas and Hanukkah, which are capped off by New Year celebrations. Not so different to Oz really except that the military and all religions get more press.

Yesterday Brian, Drew and I went to Cocoa Beach to watch an Air Show. I spent the day looking for Major Tony Nelson and Genie. For those of my vintage this is the home of  'I Dream of Genie', and of course the NASA and all the US space world.

To get there we go through Orlando, the home of Disneyworld. Even the overhead wires are Disney!

I guess the next Blog will have Halloween pics of crazy costumes as everyone wears these costumes to get into the fever. What will I wear?

This page is dedicated to all those who take the time and energy to celebrate the events of their life. I hope that is you.

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