Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day trips

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful"
- William Morris.

Now that gets your attention does it not? That was a little saying with a big message I took away from the Oakland Museum of California. I wonder whether it applies to spouses and kids?

This museum was helpful in appreciating the devastation of the 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire that destroyed so much of  San Francisco, as well as the history from the indigenous people then through the Gold Rush and the power of the railway magnates that shaped the modern San Fran.

With my host Nick, a "Leader of the Parish gang", I made my way around the Bay coastline to Sausalito for lunch. We trekked the Muir Woods, the memorial place of the signing of the 1945 convention of the United Nations, before making our way to Bonita and the Merin headlands. The Woods are a haven of Coastal Redwoods, cousins of the giant Sequoia Redwoods which are located further inland. The Redwoods are up to a thousand years old. Pic left is the Coastal Redwood with it's inland cousin's circumference visible to the right. Makes me feel young...and small!

The Bay area is quite beautiful even on a misty day, and often reminds me of parts of Sydney, though this time of the year the climates are normally opposite.
I am trying not to waste my time outside while the weather lets me walk. I keep the museums etc for wet days.

This page is dedicated to those from home who need the rain to stop so they can have a harvest this year. Lord, enough of the tears, please.

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