From Troy we travelled to Ephesus. 

Ephesus is well known to most of us, and I could bore you with pics of many ancient sites. On the left you see me trying to be artistic with the camera. No, this shot is not as a result of an earthquake, like the one that eventually destroyed this magnificent city. The building in the background is the famous library, and one of the most photographed buildings in Asia Minor. I have included the main street of Ephesus and then the great amphitheatre. Sting has played in this theater to a crowd of 25,000. Ephesus can only be grasped by walking around it all and as you can see, the crowds on our day were enormous. It was also hot but we took that in our stride (excuse the pun). I have had some issues getting good WI reception so the blog page will updated when possible. I find this frustrating but that is the way it is. My trip to Ephesus was dedicated to the loving memory of Joy Fowler and Cathy Sykes RIP. My friends in Young know that they and all the parishioners are close to me on my travels. When they hurt, I hurt. Please now that my prayers and thoughts are directed away from me to channel God's love to you all at this time. See, it is not all about me. Until next time...keep following me!

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